Gideon Cordover
About Gideon
Gideon graduated from high school with an International Baccalaureate diploma in 2006 and worked as a project officer for the University of Tasmania as part of the HEADSPACE rollout – researching community attitudes on youth mental health issues. At the time he was also heavily involved with community engagement in media and the arts through his role on the Tasmanian Youth Forum and as Vice President of Tasmanian Youth Broadcasters Inc.
Community campaigns
Gideon Cordover has run campaigns and communications at Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre. Previously, Gideon was the Marketing and Communications Coordinator at the Heart Foundation and is currently the Tasmanian State Lead for the Australian Tiny House Association.
ABC Advisory Council
The ABC Advisory Council was established in 1983 under the provisions of Section 11 of the ABC Act to provide advice to the Board on matters relating to the Corporation’s broadcasting programs.
The ABC Board appoints the 12 members of the Council for a period of three years.
Gideon was appointed to the Council in 2012 and his term concluded in 2015.

88.9fm - Radio Skid Row
Gideon hosted a breakfast radio program on Sydney's 2RSR, 88.9fm, Radio Skid Row. Wake Up With Gideon came on air before Democracy Now from 7-9am and discussed politics and social justice. Broadcasting to some 60,000 people per week from the Addison Road Community Centre in Marrickville, the show gave Gideon a platform to express his progressive values and give airtime to reform advocates right in the heart of Sydney's Inner West.
Radio Skid Row began with test broadcasts on a landline to Long Bay Jail. It first went to air as a fully licensed station in 1983, broadcasting to the most marginalised in the community. The first broadcasters included members of the Indigenous community, the Communist Party, migrant workers committees, squatters, prison activists and young people.
Radio Skid Row is also the only station in Australia to broadcast the award-winning US current affairs show, Democracy Now!, daily at 9am.

Gideon Cordover on ABC Radio Hobart Breakfast with Ryk Goddard

Gideon Cordover on ABC Radio Hobart Breakfast with Ryk Goddard

End the housing crisis and get more services into the community.
Assisted dying campaign
Gideon works as the Communications Coordinator for Dying with Dignity NSW, campaigning for the rights of the terminally ill. His story has been featured on Hack (Triple J), One Plus One (ABC 24), Stateline NSW (ABC), and Can of Worms (Channel 10).
More recently Gideon has worked as a campaign manager and State Secretary for the Voluntary Euthanasia Party (NSW) contesting the state election.
Intervarsity Debating - UNSW, Participant at Australs, Seoul, South Korea, 2011
Kingborough Council Certificate of Merit, 2007
Tasmanian State Debating Team, 2006
Tasmanian Youth Parliament, 2004-6
Talkback Classroom participant (National Museum of Australia), 2005
Clemes Council, 2005
United Nations Youth Association delegate, national conference, 2004
Pathways to Innovation Challenge Winner, 2004