Kingborough is my home and I love it. Council’s job is to protect our family, our public services, our environment, our jobs and our wallet. Being a councillor is a huge responsibility. They need to be good with people and with finances. They need to have a long-term vision. I was appointed to the ABC Advisory Council and I’m a board director of several not-for-profits, including big local organisations like Gymnastics Tasmania. I live my values of integrity, compassion and action and have the strength to stand up to vested interests.
I’m passionate about people and community. After graduating from NIDA, I worked all over the country and overseas.
I’ve worked for the Heart Foundation and Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre. In 2017, I was named in the first batch of the Tasmanian Community Fund’s Emerging Community Leaders.
I’m an active and positive team player on the council. My primary focus is climate action now. You can read about my other initiatives below.
Issues of importance:
Moved to initiate a community engagement on no additional poker machines in Kingborough on 13 July 2020 - motion lost
Seconded Hobart City Deal funding of Phase 1 of the Kingston Place Strategy on 13 July 2020 - Carried unanimously
Moved C285/8-2020 North West Bay River Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study on 11 May 2020, paving the way for a multi-use trail from Longley to Margate along the North West Bay River.
Seconded C284/8-2020 Kerbside Green Waste Collection Service on 11 May 2020 which culminated in kerbside green waste service commencing in October 2020, despite delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Voted against C187/5-2020 17.2 Assessment Procedure and Decision Criteria For Tree Removal On Private Land on 10 March 2020. This motion was to reduce the automatical approval from 10m to 5m and resulted in the automatic approval of up to a thousand trees including trees over 100 years old and including trees of high and very high conservation value.
Seconded Community Grant Program and Policy Review C186/5-2020 14.1 on 10 March 2020
Seconded Future Directions Plan for the Kingborough Sports Precinct on 11 February 2020
Seconded Communications and Engagement Policy Framework and Strategy C128/3-2020 17.4 on 11 February 2020
Moved ICAN Cities Appeal motion c124/3-2020 on 11 February 2020 - motion lost
Seconded Purchasing Policy 3.7 and Code for tenders and contracts policy 3.12 c86/2-2020 on 28 January 2020
Voted against Paid Parking in Central Kingston c31/1-20 on 13 January 2020
Moved to join Cities Power Partnership C27/1-20 on 13 January 2020 - motion lost
Moved motion for Free Green Waste Weekends, C26/1-20 14.1 on 13 January 2020
Voted against 10.2 DA-2019-112 on 11 November 2020 - Development Application that approved the destruction of 39 Eucalyptus globulus and E. ovata trees from Kingston Park, 19 of which were "high conservation value" and 2 "very high conservation value" trees. The total offset price paid to Council for the destruction of these trees was only $5250, despite the City of Melbourne tree valuation method showing the total value of the trees was actually $418,440. In my mind, this represented an environmental and amenity loss to the community as well as a financial opportunity loss of $413,190.
Seconded 14.2 Recreational Water Quality - Blackmans Bay Beach South for ongoing monitoring on 14 October 2019
Seconded the Kingborough Food Truck Policy on 23 September 2019

Attract more secure local jobs.
Improve public services and fend off privatisations.
Encouraging worker co-operatives.
Gideon Cordover on ABC Radio Hobart Breakfast with Ryk Goddard

Gideon Cordover on ABC Radio Hobart Breakfast with Ryk Goddard

End the housing crisis and get more services into the community.

Future-focus and Innovative: Gideon Cordover for Kingborough Council

It's your Kingborough! A brighter future for all.

Kingborough Council elections in October but only half vote!

Gideon Cordover for Kingborough Council Launch Speech

Council's achievements during this term:
Tyndall Beach Foreshore Stabilisation
In December 2019, kerbside collection service expanded along Sandfly Road, Margate up to and including Blackwood Grove. Also expanded along Leslie Road, Leslie Vale up to and including Penola Drive
Successful motion to investigate green waste voucher system, January 2020
Energy-efficient street lighting: Over 1700 streetlights in Kingborough switched to LEDs, saving 2300 tonnes of CO2, equivalent emissions reduction to taking 500 cars off the roads each year, 9 million kilometres driven by an average car. Also, it saves Kingborough ratepayers $200,000 per year in operational costs - Kingborough Council article here
Kerbside green waste collection service - 23 September 2019 - Mercury article here
Kingborough Council's representative on Tasmanian Polar Networks
Gideon Cordover elected to Kingborough Council on 26 August, 2019
Kingston Park
Check out the fantastic new Tree Hollows brochure that has been prepared by the team at Kingborough Council,

Other news from Kingborough Council
New public recycling bins at Kingston Beach - read the media release here.
Check out the fantastic new Tree Hollows brochure that has been prepared by the team at Kingborough Council,
Previous Events
After a fantastic month speaking with residents in Taroona, Howden, Kingston Beach, Snug and Margate, this weekend will be doorknocking to chat with residents about the issues that matter to them. If you would like to join me, please get in touch!
The Future of transport in Kingborough - Candidate forum.
When: 6:30pm, 4th October, 2018
Where: Salty Dog Hotel, 2 Beach Road, Kingston Beach
Irene Duckett of the Planning Institute
Rob Sheers from Kingborough Bicycle Users Group
Keith Brown and Graeme Lynch from the Heart Foundation.

Thanks to all those who joined us in Snug on Saturday 11th August for our launch and a beach clean-up with special guest Bob Brown.You can check out my speech where I outline my ideas for Kingborough by visiting my Facebook page.
On Sunday 30th September 2018, Kingborough residents attended a Towards Zero Waste workshop and forum at the Senior Citizens Hall. Individuals and families of all ages engaged with numerous workshops and stalls, including opportunities to learn about zero waste cooking, breadmaking, biochar, a bee box demo, beeswax wraps and clothes, books and seed swaps.
Oberon Carter, from Zero Waste Tasmania, has appeared on ABC TV's War on Waste and gave an impressive presentation about how his family has managed to reduce their waste so that now, two-years worth of family waste fits in a small jar and their total recycling output is about the size of a cricket ball. To put that in perspective, the average Australian household produces 1.5 tonnes of waste per year! The trick to eliminating waste, Oberon says, is the 5 Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle. The event was hosted by the Greens candidates for Kingborough Council, Cr Richard Atkinson, Gideon Cordover and Amanda Midgley.